Welcome - European Network on Family Group Conference

Democratizing help and welfare in Europe
FuturePlans for youth

The FuturePlanning for Jan, 19, took place in the first week of the summer holidays at the Youth Welfare Office. Besides Jan, his parents, his sister, his father’s ex-wife, his stepbrother and friends took part. His caregiver joined him as a specialist during the information phase. Jan came to a social therapy residential group after a psychosis and in the meantime made first attempts to participate in school life again. He made great progress and stabilised more and more. He now had to make an important decision for himself: What to do next? The options were numerous: training, school, voluntary service, … The family was very committed and gladly accepted the idea of a FuturePlanning. Nevertheless, it took many conversations until it became clear to all that it was not about sitting together again in the usual circle with the professional, but about expanding the circle and adding new ideas and thoughts. After much deliberation, it was important to Jan that not only family but also friends be invited to the FuturePlanning.

What is the benefit? The participants described that the coming together itself was important to them. The uncertainty about how to proceed weighed heavily on Jan. The decision should be made before the summer holiday. The professional felt the pressure from Jan in the consulting process. However, she had confidence that Jan would make a good decision for himself. The most important thing for her at the FuturePlanning was that Jan felt self-efficacy again and was able to act independently. Jan listened to the concerns and questions of his family. He experienced that friends and family are committed to him and support him. However, it was clear in the plan that Jan wants to distance himself from his parents and would like to find more supporters. He has regained his confidence in his abilities and skills and is consciously standing by his decision. He was able to incorporate all considerations into his decision during the FuturePlanning. He not only found a personal goal, but has developed a step-by-step plan for himself to try out new things and make his own experiences. In addition, there is now a contingency plan should his first choice not work out.


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