FGDM in Scotland: story so far and the journey ahead
FGDM in Scotland: story so far and the journey ahead
The Scottish FGDM steering group are giving you notice of a one day conference to celebrate 20 years of family group conferencing in Scotland and to coincide with the Scottish Year of the Young Person. This one day event will take place at Hearts Football conference facility on Wednesday 3th October 2018.
Heart of Midlothian FC
Tynecastle Stadium
McLeod Street
EH11 2NL
The conference will run from 9.30 to 4 p.m.
£100 for the day including a lunch.
If you are interested in attending please note interest on the link below and over the next few weeks we will provide more information with the speakers and agenda for the day, including workshop information. Themes will include FGDM with adults, Lifelong links, the picture from the USA, and FGDM and restorative approaches.
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